The last round was in mid October and Gordon duly lined up in the car, the three of us pretty determined to have the team finish what had been a very busy year. With Rory having got through the September meeting in one piece, we were hoping for a calm end to the season with no-one doing anything too daft through the field after the chaos the two previous meetings had seen.
Gordon hadn't been in the car for quite a while but still put in a surprise 10th quickest of of the 23 cars on show in the morning familiarisation, though he elected to start in the "gentleman's grid" which starts behind the main field of pros but ahead of the rookies. The weather was very tricky and through the day the rain came and went with it being very cold and windy indeed, making conditions difficult. As it happened, the field was well behaved this time and the races mostly passed without incident, Gordon finishing 21st in the first heat after having to avoid a wild Mervyn Wilson with a stuck throttle then a late spin and 20th in both the second heat and the final. He was then awarded the Driver Of The Day trophy as the driver from the gentleman's grid to have scored the most points. As it turned out these maths were a bit flawed but by then it was a bit late and the trophy was his!

So there you have it. The "Class Of '07" team made it through the year even though it took two cars to manage! We hit the highs with Rory's race win and Gordon's trophy and the lows with the original car being destroyed and my trip to hospital. All told it was a lot of fun despite the down points and the fact we were all still talking to each other at the end of the season can only be a plus! I'll more likely than not write up a story about the year for and Wheelspin Magazine at some point in the next few weeks too seeing as the 2007 article proved fairly popular.
The 2009 season looks like being a quiet one for me on financial grounds - I'm sure it's a story everyone's familiar with for their own reasons in the current economic situation. Add to that I'm not 100% sure what's happening with my current job beyond the winter. I'm going to renew my racing licence though so maybe I'll try to get out in one of Aly's cars once or twice depending on various factors. Supporting the BTCC and Brtitish GT Championships in the last few years was fun so maybe I'll try for that. I believe Rory and Gordon will be looking to carry on in some way too.
Couple of shots to finish up for now - Gordon at the last meeting (the light was awful as you can see) and a pic taken of me with the car in August just prior to the very race it was wrecked.
See you in '09.