Somewhat strangely both the meetings since I updated this blog were held in (at least during all Legends activities) totally dry conditions. With some sunshine!
Especially at the May 31st meeting which, frankly, was uncomfortably hot. Didn't get any practice in the morning as Ross Marshall popped an engine and doused the track but strangely going straight into race one produced my best performance in a while, getting a 64 second lap plus my best time behind the leader at the end of a race for a while (36 seconds). Had a good dice with Tim Nichol all race and managed to stay ahead.
The second heat and the final however weren't up to much at all - in the second race I missed a gear and Tim took off, my pace being a lot worse than in the first race. In the final I was out of it before we really began, going sideways through a gravel trap on the first lap while going by Frank Ogg's stricken car too quickly off line and compromising myself. By the time I got going again I was well down.
At the British GT meeting this weekend the Saturday started with a practice session I'd rather forget - thinking the engine was going as I couldn't get much more than 6500 rpm, I pitted to find the restricter bolt was still attached to the throttle after the car had been used in a track day! On to the race and with a couple of (very eager) national runners starting off the back I soon found myself at the back, watching quite a bit of bumping and off-track moments ahead. Some hot heads afterwards though I suppose all the action kept me closer to the pack.
On the Sunday in the second heat I had a lonely time of it, getting left behind pretty quickly and in the final it was much the same story, though I got my first "more than ten points" finish in 18th after quite a few retirements littered the roadside.
I'm having fun this year but I'm a little disappointed in my performance - the car is obviously a brilliant one but I've been really inconsistent with my dry running laptimes yo-yoing between mid 64 and mid 66 seconds and no real further improvement despite me trying to tidy my lines, brake a little later and carry more speed into the corners. I've noticed I'm pretty nervous in heavy traffic in a way I never used to be, think that's the consequences of last August coming back to haunt me!
Hopefully have some improvement to report at the next SMRC round on June 28th which is my last run until the Touring Cars in August.