That's me in the middle with Rory at the front and Gordon kneeling. Also in shot is Carol Brown, long time kart and legend driver who gaves us some tips. This pic is rare as I think it's the only one taken of me in about 10 years with me smiling as I have a camera phobia..!

Getting lost on track.
Hi mate, I looking forward to reading about your first race in April .
I was wondering if you know about the licencing rules regarding motor sport in the UK. As far as I understand, the Scottish Legends series you are going to be racing in requires a 'B' licence? am I correct?
ok, if you suddenly found yourself in the fortunate position to be holding a winning lotto ticket ( wishful thinking I know, lol ). Would your 'B' licence enable you to race at national level in a series like the clio cup, Seat Cup, etc?
Basically what I want to know, does a Scottish 'B' licence allow you to race in national level races or do you have to upgrade your licence before being able to do this?
good luck with the racing ( and the lotto :-) ) .
Hi, thanks for the comment - nice to know people are having a look!
Yup, the Legends Series (and pretty much all other Club level championships run by the SMRC, BARC, BRSCC and so on) requires a National B licence which is what I currently have.
To race in a "National" class championship like the Clios and Seats you would need to have a decent amount of club level experience and have "signatures" on a card you get with your licence. When you have a certain number of signatures you can then send your licence back and have it upgraded to National A, International and so on up the ladder.
I think the Clios and so forth require an A class licence but I'm not 100% sure on that tbh as I've not really looked at it - the A Class licence costs quite a bit more than the B Class on a yearly basis. I doubt very much if I'll bother upgrading my licence as I'll only ever be pottering around at club level as a bit of a hobby.
Unless of course I win the lottery as you say... that would be a different story!
Right, thanks for your help with the licence info. I have been reading a bit about various types of motor sport in the UK, but the licence regulations was a bit hard for me to get my head round as I am just a humble observer rather than a competitor.
To be honest, Legends racing looks a lot more fun than racing series such as the Clio Cup or Seats. The racing is so close. I remember a Legends race about 5 or 6 years ago involving a former UK Legends champion called Rob Fountain. I still think it was one of the closest and most exciting races I have ever seen.
Sadly youtube and google video have very little in the way of Legends clips on their sites. Still, there is also Sky Sports to rely on when the season begins.
thanks again.
Oh yeah, it's always been close racing - I remember watching the Nationals a long time ago and being pleasantly surprised to discover that there was going to be a Scottish Series. Only 6 cars ran that year but the races were brilliant - been a huge fan ever since.
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